Meet our Osteopaths

Dr Arun Shapleski Osteopath Brisbane

Dr. Arun Shapleski - Osteopath

Like you, I’ve struggled with chronic, persistent pain. Mine was in the form of recurrent headaches from a childhood injury. I tried medication and conventional manual therapies, all to no avail. It was only when I came across osteopathy that the light bulb finally turned on, and I found answers as to what the actual CAUSE of my pain was.

I can still remember feeling completely different as if I had been assessed and treated as a whole person, and not just a head and neck. Since then it has been my lifelong journey to help others like yourself who may be suffering unnecessarily.

Watch this short 2 min introduction video about osteopathy & Arun

Arun’s approach

Arun’s approach to health and wellbeing can be summed up by this quote from the founder of osteopathy, A.T Still:

“To find health should be the object of the doctor. Anyone can find disease.”

— A.T.Still. Philosophy of Osteopathy.

Arun is fascinated by the body’s constant movement towards normal balance (homeostasis) and believes that osteopathy is about supporting this process (health). This is done in a gentle and experienced manner by helping remove barriers to the natural healing process.

Arun is interested in assisting people to take charge of their own health, by making positive changes in their lifestyle, such as diet, exercise and mindfulness practice.

Arun is passionate about furthering his education through postgraduate training in his areas of interest, such as the treatment of infants and children, pregnancy and cranial osteopathy.


Arun completed five-years full-time study at Victoria University in Melbourne. This included a three-year Bachelor of Science (Clinical Sciences) and a two-year Master of Health Science (Osteopathy). As a part of his Masters training, he wrote a research thesis on the effects of osteopathic treatment on lung function in asthmatics. The outcome of this research showed a beneficial effect on lung function.

Since graduating, Arun has completed postgraduate studies in osteopathy in the cranial field (OCF), the biodynamics of OCF, visceral treatment (i.e., bowel, liver, kidney etc.), obstetrics (pregnancy) and paediatrics (children).

Arun has obtained Masters Certification in the Niel-Asher Technique(NAT), for the treatment of frozen shoulder (adhesive capsulitis). To read more about this technique for ALL shoulder conditions, CLICK HERE.

Dr. Jennie Elston - Osteopath

Jennie is deeply respectful of nature and loves supporting the body’s natural capacity for wellbeing. Jennie uses gentle and precise treatments that comfortably ease a wide range of symptoms. 

After originally training in psychology and social work, Jennie worked in child welfare in Melbourne for two years before a search for more understanding of the body-mind connection took her to India for a two years work in social welfare, a Welfare Administration masters, and a year’s training in Yoga.

For the following 12 years, Jennie lived in England, running Yoga weekend programs. During this time she trained as an osteopath, and as an Alexander Technique teacher. On returning to Australia she completed a Masters of Counselling at UNE. Jennie has been based at Bardon Osteopathy in Brisbane for over 20 years, and here she integrates her training and experience into her work as an osteopath.

Gentle & 


Treat all Ages Including Babies

Same day appointments likely.

Fax (07) 3512 9333

151 Boundary Road, Bardon QLD 4065

Proudly servicing the following areas as Brisbane osteopaths for over 25 years: Bardon, Paddington, Toowong, Taringa, Ashgrove, Auchenflower, The Gap, Milton & more