Osteopathy for Babies & Children

Osteopathy is a gentle treatment option for babies and children. It recognises the importance of particular stresses on the body, from birth and throughout childhood.

At Bardon Osteopathy in Brisbane, we use a very gentle approach to the treatment of babies and children, called cranial osteopathy. Despite the name, it is a method of treatment for the whole body and not just the head.

In babies, this very light and gentle mobilisation of the head and pelvis works to dissipate tension that may have built up during the birthing process and is particularly soothing for the baby.

The normal birth process involves large pressures sustained by the baby, particularly its head and pelvis. Thankfully, the head is designed to be malleable, but often strains can be caused by difficult presentations, long or short labour, and any intervention(s) used (forceps, ventouse). This can lead to pressure on various structures, including nerves and blood vessels, which could lead to pain and dysfunction. 

A famous quote from the English poet, Alexander Pope, sums up the importance of early intervention in the treatment of babies and children, “Just as the twig is bent, the tree’s inclined”. This means that if treated early enough, most mechanical strains and tensions (bent twig) won’t lead to problems later in life (tree inclination), a key concept in osteopathic thinking.

Being the father of two young boys, I understand how important it is to choose a health practitioner for your child who is both gentle and experienced.

There are a lot of unknowns out there and I understand how confusing it can be!

This is why, at Bardon Osteopathy Brisbane, we pride ourselves at being the most experienced in the treatment of babies and children. We only use the gentlest touch to achieve the best results for you and your child.

If you have questions regarding your baby or child, please feel free to reach out to me at arun@bardonosteopathy.com.au

I have written a series of blog posts covering topics such as colic, reflux, tongue-tie, flat head syndrome (plagiocephaly, brachycephaly or scaphocephaly). Feel free to check them out here:

Gentle & 


Treat all Ages Including Babies

Same day appointments likely.

Fax (07) 3512 9333

151 Boundary Road, Bardon QLD 4065

Proudly servicing the following areas as Brisbane osteopaths for over 25 years: Bardon, Paddington, Toowong, Taringa, Ashgrove, Auchenflower, The Gap, Milton & more